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Ep 380: Brand Aide

It’s common on CheapShow that we’ll have to look at the genesis of a very popular (or obscure) brand and often run straight to the arms of Wikipedia. Well, no more! In this week’s episode, Paul’s found a book called “How It All Began” that gives the potted history of some of the world’s most popular brands. There’s way too much to cover in one episode, so the cheap chaps pick a page each and find out more about the birth of plasticine and Y Fronts. Yes, Y Fronts! It’s a book that may come in handy in the future. Gannon’s Golden Games returns with a board game based on a reasonably recent ITV show that Paul & Eli have never heard of, nor care much for. However, it leads to one of the most exciting, twisty and thrilling games in the pod’s history. As if all that wasn’t enough, Graxton Industries have challenged CheapShow to create an event for sponsorship in the near future, but will their eventual plan be any good? Only time will tell. Also… Can Eli PLEASE stop grabbing his crotch, please?!

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