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Ep 126: Random Craptor

CheapShow has often been described as a little bit "random", so let's go full on random by introducing a BRAND NEW FORMAT (that definitely isn't ripping off other similar ideas on YouTube)! Paul & Eli delicately introduce the "Random Craptor (Pick N Mix Edition)" this week in an effort to spice up the show. It really doesn't work. There are 8 mystery objects in a bag that  will be randomly investigated based on the whim of the Spinning Wheel of Tat. Only five items will get to see the limelight, but which five? Suffice it to say, as a result, the cheap chaps will wrap their tongues around "Mr and Mrs Egg", taste a fizzy cola treat, slurp on Yogurt Jelly and go full on filthy with an explosive, bawdy finale... and there is an all new "Tales from the Dance Floor" too... Which is nice!

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