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Ep 362: Fluid Beef

As 2023 winds down, Paul and Eli are coming apart at the seams. Can they mentally make it over the New Year finish line? Judging by this week’s episode, it’s going to be touch and go. It’s apparent from the start that Paul is in full chaotic evil mode and that going to make life difficult for Eli. Eli doesn’t make it easy for himself either, by being overly honest about something we’d all rather move on from talking about. Obviously, Paul is going to exploit that to extreme lengths. There is a PO Box sourced Price of Right to explore but Paul has slipped in a ringer. However, because he can’t win any points this episode, Paul is going to out of his way to make sure Eli doesn’t. Finally, Gannon’s Golden Games unearths a “party game” called F* That, which is exactly what they think after playing it. It’s a fiery episode of CheapShow to warm your cockles!

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