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Ep 291: The Heat Is On

If Paul and Eli thought last week’s woodland adventure was hot, then this week is going to be a very unpleasant surprise! As temperatures rise throughout the UK, the Cheap Chaps decide to forge onwards and record an episode on one of the hottest days on record. This, as it turns out, is not a good idea. With energy running low and drenched in sweat, Eli suddenly as a great idea… Let’s call Juicy Jeremy and see if he can deliver some cool, refreshing “sody-pops”. Luckily, he is in the area and stops by with some fizzy drinks and maybe acting a little bit “suss”. What will they discover this week? You can expect confectionary flavoured waters, a new trendy special edition Coca Cola, something super sweet, something super sour and something… utterly gross. Find out what that drink was AND ALSO find out what’s in that new room in the far corner of the podcast that contains a certain tier of CheapShow characters. You’ll be glad you did!

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