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Ep 283: Norwegian Goods

​After getting lost in the woods for two episodes, Paul and Eli are back doing what they do best. Whatever that is! Long time contributor Ivenne has sent the cheap chaps a box of goodies from Norway (and Sweden) and it’s packed with sauces, tat and candy. Eli doesn’t need an excuse to talk sauce, so he is rather excited about the Lee Kum Kee Cooking Sauce collection as well as the lemon grass siracha and Vietnamese soy sauce. Paul? He isn’t excited at all. Things improve when its time for a European Price of Shite, with items obtained from Norwegian charity shops. For Paul, he is most excited by the folk cassette that Eli promptly ruins with his improvised, horrific lyrics. Things don’t improve when a few new characters turn up, each one more pointless and volatile than the last. Put the kettle on, grab a hot drink and get cozy, it’s CheapShow time!

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